Each year the Center for Prevention and Early Intervention Policy (CPEIP) positively impacts the lives of thousands of children, parents and caregivers. The CPEIP partners with local, state and federal agencies to develop policies and implement practices that promote maternal and child health.
The Florida Center for Prevention Research (FCPR) is primarily concerned with substance abuse prevention and health issues. The FCPR has partnered with the School of Social Work and the College of Communication to study behavioral norms on the FSU campus and to develop a social norms marketing campaign to reduce high-risk drinking and alcohol abuse.
Established in 2001, the Center for the Advancement of Human Rights (CAHR) develops and promotes human-rights related courses, conducts workshops on human trafficking, co-sponsors the Human Rights Film Festival with the FSU Amnesty International Chapter, and places students in internships in human rights organizations around the world.
The Center on Better Health and Life for Underserved Populations (BHLC) develops and tests model higher education and community-based programs to address health disparities in populations with insufficient social and economic resources.