The Environment

The natural environment is the focus of several of the centers and institutes within ISPA. The predecessor of ISPA, the Florida Resources and Environmental Analysis Center (FREAC), was founded to conduct research in the general areas of resource management and environmental analysis. Geographic Information System (GIS) development, spatial database maintenance, web based database delivery, and graphic representation of geographic information are FREAC strengths.

The Florida Natural Areas Inventory Program (FNAI) within FREAC collects, interprets and disseminates ecological information critical to the conservation of Florida’s biodiversity. FNAI provides scientific support for the Florida Forever land acquisition program. Databases are maintained for conservation lands, invasive plants, and the Florida Forever land acquisitions.

The Center for Biomedical and Toxicological Research (CBTR) was initially established to assist the state of Florida with its needs related to environmental contamination from a wide variety of sources. Dr. Roy Herndon, founder and director of the CBTR, recognized “in order to mobilize the best scientific and technological resources for addressing widespread environmental problems, a global perspective is necessary.” The Institute for International Cooperative Environmental Research (IICER) became the forum for non-Florida-based CBTR research, educational and public service activities.

Home of the State Climatologist, the Florida State Climate Center provides climate data and information for the state of Florida and also engages in and publishes results of research.